Summer wedding

Bene and Kevin ~ I Do: San Antonio, TX

Bene and Kevin hold a special place in my heart! I remember leaving from their engagement session and thinking..I can't wait for their wedding! I just love the way they love each thoughtful and sweet with one another. 

Their special day began at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church followed by a reception at the Southwest School of Art. Both of these venues are amazing and anyone getting married in the San Antonio area should check them out. The reception included a live band, lots of dancing, yummy food, popsicles, and bottled Dr.Pepper...the really good sugary kind:) 

Congratulations Bene and Kevin and hope you enjoy my favorites!


Stephanie and Tyler ~ I Do: Houston, TX

What a wonderful wedding to start my summer off! I'm so in love with this couple and feel truly blessed to have captured their amazing day. They were married at the gorgeous Lanier Stone Chapel. This venue blew me away and gave us beautiful backgrounds for pictures.

There were countless special moments and it was evident from stories told by family and friends, these two were meant for each other. I had so many favorite moments and had to make myself narrow it down:) Did I mention that they are the closest thing I know to Ken and Barbie..Tyler being Mailbu Ken of course;)

Thanks to Stephanie and Tyler for being so wonderful! I know great things are in your future as a couple and again congratulations!